Oct 4 – 8, 2021
University of Alcalá
Europe/Madrid timezone

The Regge Limit and Infrared Factorisation of 2 to 3 scattering amplitudes in QCD

Oct 8, 2021, 10:00 AM
Colegio San Ildefonso (University of Alcalá)

Colegio San Ildefonso

University of Alcalá


Óscar del Río García (Universidad Complutense Madrid)


We consider four and five parton scattering amplitudes in QCD and analyse their high-energy limit and colour structure. On the one hand, our main tools are the Reggeization of $2\rightarrow n$ scattering amplitudes in QCD, known as the effective action that governs their behaviour in the Regge limit or multi-Regge (MR) limit in the case of five or more partons. On the other hand, we use the dipole formula, which governs Infrared factorisation and is a compact ansatz for all-order infrared-singular terms of scattering amplitudes of massless partons. Building upon previous results, we use the compatibility between Regge factorisation and Infrared factorisation to obtain new results like the one-loop central-emission vertex for a gluon with positive helicity.

Primary author

Óscar del Río García (Universidad Complutense Madrid)

Presentation materials