Oct 4 – 8, 2021
University of Alcalá
Europe/Madrid timezone

- Conference main webpage with info on the venue, accommodation, payment of the fee, etc:
- This edition will be held in a hybrid format, with invited and contributed talks.
- There is a small fee for remote participation
- Abstract submission deadline: September 19, 2021
- Notification for contributed talks: September 22, 2021
- Connection details will be given only to registered participants.

 is the 5th edition of the series of workshops on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon, previously held in Ferrara (2002), Frascati (2006), Bilbao (2012) and Getxo (2016). The main focus of this series of workshops is the investigation of the multi-dimensional nucleon structure and related topics in quantum chromodynamics.

This edition will emphasize the recent progress in the field from theory, lattice-QCD and phenomenology, as well as new developments coming from synergies with Quantum Information Science. The workshop will be complemented by presentations of projects planned all over the world at current and future high-energy facilities for a deeper understanding of the nucleon structure.

Organizing Committee:
José Manuel Alarcón (U. Alcalá)
Miguel G. Echevarría (chair, U. Alcalá)
Rafael Fernández (U. Complutense Madrid)
Gunar Schnell (U. Basque Country)
Ignazio Scimemi (U. Complutense Madrid)
Andrea Signori (U. Pavia & JLab)

International Program Committee:
Harut Avakian (JLab, US)
Alessandro Bacchetta (co-chair, U. Pavia & INFN, Italy)
Miguel G. Echevarría (U. Basque Country, Spain)
Michael Engelhardt (U. New Mexico State, US)
Salvatore Fazio (BNL, US)
Wolf-Dieter Nowak (U. Johannes Gutenberg, Germany)
Barbara Pasquini (U. Pavia & INFN, Italy)
Catarina Quintans (LIP, Portugal)
Gunar Schnell (co-chair, U. Basque Country, Spain)
Marco Stratmann (U. Tübingen, Germany)     

University of Alcalá
Colegio San Ildefonso