Friday: Friday 1
- Anna Martin (Trieste University and INFN)
Friday: Friday 2
- Salvatore Fazio (University of Calabria & INFN Cosenza - Italy)
Within a recently developed formalism for $e^+e^-$ one-hadron production, we present preliminary results on the extraction of unpolarized transverse momentum dependent fragmentation functions (TMDFFs). We address possible constrains at large values of impact parameter $b_T$, for the TMDFF and the Collins-Soper kernel. We outline a work plan for global extractions of fragmentation functions.
By adopting the helicity formalism within a TMD scheme, we present the complete structure of the azimuthal dependences and polarization observables for two-hadron production in $e^+e^-$ annihilation processes. The leading-twist TMD fragmentation functions (FF) for spin-1/2 hadrons, with their properties and their probabilistic interpretation, are fully accounted for.
The role of the...
In this talk I will make an overview on recent progress in the field of massive event shapes. In particular, the status of computations carried out in fixed-order QCD as well as in effective field theories (SCET and bHQET) will be reviewed. I will show how to efficiently carry out large-log resummation in the presence of heavy-quark masses and present some phenomenological studies. If time...
We consider four and five parton scattering amplitudes in QCD and analyse their high-energy limit and colour structure. On the one hand, our main tools are the Reggeization of $2\rightarrow n$ scattering amplitudes in QCD, known as the effective action that governs their behaviour in the Regge limit or multi-Regge (MR) limit in the case of five or more partons. On the other hand, we use the...
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon, $(g-2)_{\mu}$, is an interesting quantity to search for new physics. In particular, it has attracted quite attention due to the persisting discrepancy among theory and experiment, that has been confirmed recently this year at Fermilab.
In this talk, I review the current status of its theoretical determination, with special attention to the hadronic...
Recently the first part of the proposed measurements of the AMBER collaboration
were approved as NA66 at CERN. AMBER will use the M2 beamline of the CERN SPS
with muon as well as hadron beams to perform a variety of hadron structure and
spectroscopy studies. These studies will allow to adress fundamental questions
of QCD. The talk will cover the proposed measurements and the preparation of...
Prospects for quarkonium-production studies accessible during the upcoming high-luminosity phases of the CERN Large Hadron Collider operation after 2021 are reviewed. Current experimental and theoretical open issues in the field are assessed together with the potential for future studies in quarkonium-related physics. This will be possible through the exploitation of the huge data samples to...
A polarized gaseous target, operated in combination with the high-energy, high-intensity LHC beams and a highly performing LHC particle detector, has the potential to open new physics frontiers and to deepen our understanding of the intricacies of the strong interaction in the non-perturbative regime of QCD. Specifically, the LHCspin project aims to develop, in the next few years, innovative...
I will present my thoughts about how heavy-ion physics
can profit from eA measurements, paying a particular attention to cold nuclear matter effects that can be studied at
the future Electron-Ion Collider and the implications of these measurements on the interpretation of RHIC and LHC data.