23-27 October 2023
Facultad de Físicas
Europe/Madrid timezone

Mellin Barnes for massive bubble diagrams

27 Oct 2023, 09:30
Aula M1 (Facultad de Físicas)

Aula M1

Facultad de Físicas

Plaza de Ciencias 1, 28040, Madrid


Alejandro Bris (IFT-UAM)


In this talk we present a procedure to deal with massive bubbles analoguos to the dispersive integral method but with the Mellin Barnes representation of the diagram. This allows us to simplify the needed previous loop order computations leading to the same ones as in renormalon calculus.
Furthermore, if we postpone the inverse Mellin integral until the very end we can easily get analytic results, not only for the diagrams but for the resummed expressions of the corresponding part of the matrix element that would otherwise involve a numerical integration. These results can always be expressed as fast-converging power series.
We applied the method to get the bHQET Hard and Jet functions, we reproduce other cases that were already known and it also could be used for massive bosons.


Vicent Mateu (University of Salamanca)

Presentation Materials