15-18 May 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone


The Hamiltonian formulation is a fundamental conceptual scheme applied to quantum field theory and any alternative approach refers back to quantities which are naturally defined in that scheme, such as wave functions and eigenvalues. This applies in particular to QCD, hadronic physics or contemporary quantum computing in field theory. Nevertheless the use of the Hamiltonian method is relatively uncommon. The main topics to be discussed in this meeting are

  1. Uses and advantages of the Hamiltonian method in QCD

  2. Hamiltonian description of hadrons

  3. Renormalized Hamiltonians of QFT

  4. Quantum computing and simulation

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Organizing committee:

María Gómez-Rocha (Univ. Granada, chair)

Enrique Ruiz Arriola (Univ. Granada)

Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada (Univ. Complutense de Madrid)

Juan J. Gálvez-Viruet (Univ. Complutense de Madrid)