The structure of $\rho$-meson is investigated through the leading-twist momentum-dependent parton distribution functions within the basis light-front quantized (BLFQ) framework. To begin with, the light-front wavefunctions (LFWFs) are computed by truncating the light-front Hamiltonian to take into account the valence Fock sector and the one containing a dynamical gluon, $|q\bar{q}\rangle$ and...
High energy physics is facing challenges of e.g., understanding the origin of observed baryon asymmetry, the nature of dark matter. Scenarios to address these challenges often involve dynamics that at present cannot be solved due to computational or theoretical limitations. An elegant solution exists in the form of real-time simulation, though hampered by limited quantum resources for the...
We discuss the chiral spin symmetry of confinement in QCD and its implications for structure of hadrons as well as for hot QCD.
The lightest meson, the pion, features two faces – one is the elementary Goldstone boson of QCD and the other is the structured bound state of quarks and gluons. To accommodate both in a single light-front wave function in the valence space, we obtain a sum rule by analyzing the conserved axial-vector current and the general structures of the wave functions. Using an analytic model motivated...
In the present work, we have investigated the gravitational form factors (GFFs) for an electron and photon in the light-front QED model. We consider a physical electron dressed consisting of a bare electron and a photon. The gravitational form factors are obtained in the form of the overlap of light-front wave functions. The GFF D is attributed to information like pressure, shear, and energy...
Basis light front quantization (BLFQ) is a nonperturbative approach, which has been developed for solving many-body bound state problems in quantum field theories. It is a Hamiltonian formalism incorporating the advantages of the light-front dynamics. In my talk, I will report our recent progress in applying BLFQ to reveal structure of hadrons, specifically the pion and the nucleon. We will...
The Hamiltonian formalism is a particularly useful framework to describe hadron bound states in QCD while generating the Hilbert space in terms of their constituents. The quantum entropy of any bound state is zero, but when the proton components are probed, for example by deep inelastic scattering, the study of the entropy of entanglement between the components and the rest of the proton...
Light Front quantization of a Hamiltonian derived from quantum field theory has a long history. The introduction of Basis Light Front Quantization (BLFQ) has led to the development of Hamiltonians and numerical methods for solving both relativistic bound state and scattering applications in QED and QCD. For QCD applications in limited Fock spaces, one assumes a form of confinement based on...
Following the formalism developed in our preceding works [1], a non-perturbative light-front Hamiltonian approach, we investigated the momentum broadening of a quark jet inside a SU(3) colored medium. We performed the numerical simulation of the real-time jet evolution in the Fock space of |q> + |qg>, at an extensive range of 𝑝+, and various medium densities. With the obtained light-front...
In this ongoing work we show how the quantum numbers of a quark can be packed in nine logical qubits. For this, we are employing one phase for each of the three components of the spatial momentum. As opposed to a lattice calculation, momentum is thus represented in a continuum property of the qubit. The discretization of a hadron system then needs to be effected at the level of the particle number.
We calculate the contribution to the gravitational form factors (GFFs) for the quark and gluon from the energy-momentum tensor using the light-front Hamiltonian QCD approach. Instead of a proton state, we consider a simple spin-$1/2$ composite state with a gluonic degree of freedom, namely a quark dressed with a gluon. Using the GFFs, we calculate the quark and gluon contributions to the...
I will present a plan for solving QCD. The first step requires calculating effective Hamiltonians using renormalization group procedure for effective particles (RGPEP). In the second step one diagonalizes the Hamiltonians using known methods (DLCQ, BLFQ, quantum computing, etc.). My confidence in the plan stems from the fact that both ultraviolet and small-x divergences are absent in the...
Quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories are typically performed in the
Hamiltonian formulation of the theory. We briefly discuss the two
state-of-the-art approaches for digital quantum simulations, quantum
annealing and universal gate-based quantum computing. While the quantum annealer acts as
a laboratory for toy models e.g. solving for the ground state or dynamics of small systems...
In recent years, a lot of effort has been put into expanding established jet-quenching formalisms to account for higher-order or energy-suppressed medium-induced effects. Understanding how such contributions emerge is important to have a more complete picture of jet evolution in the medium and to extract more detailed properties of the underlying matter. However, such efforts are in general...
Traditional lore of meson decays suggested that the production of a quark-antiquark pair from the chromoelectric field would happen in a 3P0 state (a scalar state with aligned spins and a relative L=1 wave). This are not the quantum numbers of the tree-level interaction in QCD. Moreover, they are not produced at any order in perturbation theory because the theory is to a good approximation...
The effective potential of the Polyakov loop is investigated within the Hamiltonian approach to QCD in Coulomb gauge where finite temperature $T$ is introduced by compactifying one space direction. We briefly review this approach and extend earlier work in the Yang-Mills sector by including dynamical quarks. In a first approximation, we follow the usual practice in functional approaches and...
Among the three prominent forms of relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics introduced by Dirac, the point form is the least popular one. A very attractive feature of the point form is the clear separation of interaction-dependent and interaction-independent Poincare generators, as already noticed by Dirac. The interaction-dependent generators generate the subgroup of space-time translations, whereas...
Quantum computing lattice gauge theories of relevance to nature requires a range of theoretical and algorithmic developments to make simulations amenable to near- and far-term computing. With a focus on the SU(2) lattice gauge theory with matter, I will motivate the need for efficient theoretical formulations, introduce general quantum algorithms that can simulate them efficiently, and discuss...