15-18 May 2023
Europe/Madrid timezone


We have a limited number of rooms available at the Carmen de la Victoria as well as in the University facility Corrala de Santiago close to the center of the town (in the Realejo district) and 20 minutes walking from the Carmen.  In these two places the University of Granada hosts visiting professors or visiting researchers. 

Both places have similar advantages and convenient prices (around 69€/day single room full board).
Facilities are linked in such a way that all guests will be able to have lunch all together at the "Carmen de la Victoria".

If you would like to use one of these possibilities, please write an email to the organizers via mgomezrocha@ugr.es

Participants who prefer to be hosted in other places (some close to the workshop can be found here) may pay single lunches and/or dinners at the Carmen separately too.


Corrala de Santiago: