We propose semi-inclusive diffractive deep inelastic scattering to investigate the gluon tomography in the nucleon and nuclei at small-x. The relevant diffractive quark and gluon parton distribution functions can be computed in terms of the color dipole S-matrices in the fundamental and adjoint representations, respectively.
I'm going to review recent results for forward jests at the LHC and EIC as obtained within small-x Improved Transverse Momentum Dependent factorization (ITMD). In addition to an elementary overview of various approaches to perturbative QCD at high energy, including High Energy Factorization, Color Glass Condensate, and ITMD, we describe the Monte Carlo implementation and discuss the existing...
One of the most intriguing phenomena of strong interaction is the so-called gluon saturation in nucleons and nuclei at very small value of the Bjorken-$x$. In the saturation regime, the density of partons, per unit of transverse area, in hadronic wavefunctions becomes very large leading to non-linear effects. These latter stop the strong growth of the gluon density at small-$x$ leading to a...
We study diffractive (2+1)-jet production in photon nucleus collisions at high energy in the CGC framework. We focus in the regime in which two of the jets are hard, yet we show that large dipoles with size 1/Qs (with Qs the nucleus saturation momentum) control the cross section. These dominant contributions admit factorization in terms of parton TMDs of the Pomeron. The bulk of these TMDs is...
We introduce SKMHS22, a novel set of diffractive parton distribution functions (PDFs) and their uncertainties, computed at both next-to-leading-order and next-to-next-to-leading-order accuracy within the framework of perturbative QCD in xFitter. Our analysis comprehensively addresses diffractive deep inelastic scattering (DIS) data from HERA, encompassing the latest H1/ZEUS measurements, while...