Tuesday: Tuesday 1
- Pieter Taels (Ecole Polytechnique)
Tuesday: Tuesday 2
- Gunar Schnell (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU & IKERBASQUE)
Tuesday: Tuesday 3
- Cristian Pisano
Tuesday: Tuesday 4
- Ignazio Scimemi (Universidad Complutense Madrid)
We determine approximate next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) corrections to unpolarized and polarized semi-inclusive DIS. They are derived using the threshold resummation formalism, which we fully develop to next-to-next-to-leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy, including the two-loop hard factor. In terms of the customary SIDIS variables x and z they include all double distributions in the...
We review the recent progress on the extraction of TMD PDFs and TMD FFs from global data of Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering, Drell-Yan and Z boson production. In particular, we address the tension between the low-energy SIDIS data and the theory predictions.
I review the latest extractions of TMD distributions made with artemide. The main emphasis is made on the first determination of realistic uncertainty band for unpolarized TMDPDF, and on the interplay between collinear and TMD distributions.
I will give a brief overview of our current understanding of fragmentation from phenomenological analyses of (polarized) collinear and TMD fragmentation functions, including some recent extractions, formulations of new factorization theorems, and Monte Carlo studies.
COMPASS is a fixed-target experiment located at the CERN SPS, which has been collecting data since 2002. One of the key aspects of the broad COMPASS physics program is the investigation of the transverse-momentum and transverse-spin structure of the nucleon, which has been pursued via measurements of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering using a 160 GeV/c muon beam and transversely...
After fifty years of investigations, the nucleon structure is still far from being understood and continues to represent a unique test bench for QCD. Despite the enormous progresses achieved in five decades of deep-inelastic scattering (DIS) experiments, a number of crucial open questions are still on the carpet and subject of intense theoretical and experimental studies. In the last two...
A small-$x$ model for gluon GTMDs will be discussed. With this model a reasonable description of the H1 data on diffractive dijet production in electron-proton collisions can be obtained. Predictions for the EIC will be given for both electroproduction and photoproduction which may allow to further test the underlying GTMD description.
The SpinQuest experiment (E1039) at Fermilab aims to extract Sivers functions for the light sea-quarks in the range of 0.1 < xB < 0.5 through Transverse Single Spin Asymmetry (TSSA) measurements from the Drell-Yan (DY) process, using an unpolarized 120 GeV proton beam interacting with polarized fixed target of either NH3 or ND3. In addition to the DY TSSA measurements, J/ψ TSSAs will also be...
I give an overview of generalized parton distributions (GPDs), a vital theoretical tool for understanding the 3D partonic structure of hadrons. GPDs provide a generalization of collinear parton distributions that additionally encode the elastic form factors associated with electromagnetic, axial, and gravitational currents. They can be experimentally studied through hard inclusive reactions...