Oct 4 – 8, 2021
University of Alcalá
Europe/Madrid timezone

Determining the proton content with a quantum computer

Oct 6, 2021, 3:45 PM
Colegio San Ildefonso (University of Alcalá)

Colegio San Ildefonso

University of Alcalá


Adrián Pérez-Salinas (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)


We present a first attempt to design a quantum circuit for the determination of the parton content of the proton through the estimation of parton distribution functions (PDFs), in the context of high energy physics (HEP). The growing interest in quantum computing and the recent developments of new algorithms and quantum hardware devices motivates the study of methodologies applied to HEP. In this work we identify architectures of variational quantum circuits suitable for PDFs representation (qPDFs). We show experiments about the deployment of qPDFs on real quantum devices, taking into consideration current experimental limitations. Finally, we perform a global qPDF determination from collider data using quantum computer simulation on classical hardware and we compare the obtained partons and related phenomenological predictions involving hadronic processes to modern PDFs.

Primary authors

Adrián Pérez-Salinas (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) Dr Juan Cruz-Martinez (TIF Lab, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano and INFN Sezione di Milano, Milan, Italy.) Abdulla A. Alhajri (Quantum Research Centre, Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE.) Dr Stefano Carrazza (TIF Lab, Dipartimento di Fisica, Universit`a degli Studi di Milano and INFN Sezione di Milano, Milan, Italy)

Presentation materials