Oct 4 – 8, 2021
University of Alcalá
Europe/Madrid timezone

Valence parton distribution of pion from lattice QCD at physical point

Oct 4, 2021, 12:50 PM
Colegio San Ildefonso (University of Alcalá)

Colegio San Ildefonso

University of Alcalá


Xiang Gao (CCNU)


We present the first lattice calculation of pion valence parton distribution using matching formula at NNLO level. We use the Wilson-Clover fermion on three 2+1 flavor HISQ ensembles of lattice spacings a = 0.04, 0.06 and 0.076 fm, with two pion mass including the physical one. Two unitary Domain-Wall calculations at physical point are also presented. This allows us to control the continuum limit, quark mass effects as well as the chiral symmetry. Our analysis use ratio-based schemes to renormalize the equal-time bilocal quark-bilinear matrix elements. We extract first few moments model independently and reconstruct the x-dependent PDF.

Primary authors

Xiang Gao (CCNU) Dr Swagato Mukherjee (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Peter Petreczky (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Luchang Jin Dr Nikhil Karthik (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Prof. Sergey Syritsyn (Stony Brook University) Yong Zhao (Argonne National Laboratory)

Presentation materials