The Generalized Polarizabilities (GPs) are fundamental properties of the
nucleon. They characterize the nucleon's response to an applied
electromagnetic field, offering access to the polarization densities inside
the nucleon, and as such they represent an essential part for a complete
understanding of the nucleon structure and dynamics. The GPs can be
explored through the measurement of the Virtual Compton Scattering
reaction. Previous measurements of the proton electric GP at
intermediate four-momentum transfer squared have challenged the
predictions of theoretical calculations, raising questions in regard to the
underlying reasons responsible for a local enhancement of the electric
GP. The measurement of the magnetic GP, on the other hand, allows to
quantify the interplay of the paramagnetism and diamagnetism inside
the proton. The VCS experiment (E12-15-001) at JLab has accessed the
proton GPs with high precision in the intermediate four-momentum
transfer squared region, namely from Q2=0.3 (GeV2) to Q2=0.7
(GeV2). Preliminary results from the Hall C VCS experiment will be
presented and future prospects will be discussed in this talk.
This work has been supported by the US Department of Energy Office
of Science, office of Nuclear Physics under contract no. DESC0016577.