We review the theory, interpretation, and applications of the nucleon elastic form factors (vector, scalar, axial, other QCD operators) at low/moderate momentum tranfers (Q2 ~< 1 GeV2). We emphasize the importance of analyticity and dispersion theory for both empirical analysis and dynamical calculations. Topics include: (a) Dispersive analysis of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors, including modern approaches incorporating dynamical input from chiral EFT and other sources. (b) Extraction of the proton electric and magnetic radii from electron scattering data using theory-guided dispersive analysis. (c) First-principles calculations of the nucleon transverse charge and magnetization densities based on dispersion theory and chiral EFT, with new insights into peripheral nucleon structure and quark-hadron duality. (d) Dispersion theory for nucleon scalar, axial, and energy-momentum tensor form factors.